Local SEO For Small Businesses

Getting your small business listed within the search results of Google, Bing and Yahoo shouldn’t be a mystery. Here at ElevAmp, we’ll educate while executing on the tactical elements that help get your business listed in the mapped results. Additionally, we’ll consult with you and/or your marketing team to create a reputation management strategy that produces online reviews for your small business.

Why Local SEO Can Help Grow Your Small Business

Four in Five consumers use search engines to find local businesses on the internet. Consumers are looking for information like business hours, location, services, product availability and more before they take further action. They are performing these searches in a variety of places, including their homes, busses, work, restaurants, airports and even while visiting your small business!

50% of consumers that conducted a local search on their phones visited that store in the same day. 34% of those that conducted a local search on their tablet or desktop computer, did the same. Having your SMB show up within the mapped results of the search engines is an integral part to running a successful marketing strategy.

To create a comprehensive local SEO strategy, you need to be able to identify and capitalize on the moments in which your customers are ready to take action!

local seo reviews in google


Why Reviews Can Help Improve Local SEO For Small Businesses

Reviews matter to consumers. Reviews on Google matter. Reviews on Yelp matter. Reviews everywhere matter! Not only that, but they matter to how well your small business is doing within the local search results.

88% of consumers trust reviews like personal recommendations

According to the 2017 Local SEO Ranking Factors Study, review signals were the fifth most important factor to local SEO, behind citations, on-page SEO, link signals and Google My Business information! Here at ElevAmp, we wouldn’t be surprised to see that factor increase in 2018.

If your small business isn’t thinking about its online reviews, it’s not succeeding online. We can help.


Local SEO & Review Services



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